An off week…

Or is that a week off?
This past Monday was a huge day at work. The project that has been kicking my butt for the past month finally went live! With the go-live came alot of overseen issues that had to be addressed immediately. So work continued to kick my butt this week.
On Monday night while working out I must have gone a bit too heavy with my dead lifts and shocked my body because my lower back was killing me the next day. And by Wednesday it was worse and I found myself in pain most of the day. So workouts for the rest of the week haven’t been intense.
Wednesday was a big food day for me. My team meeting was a potluck so there was alot of good food there. I even had an apple fritter. Then in the evening we had a project windup which involved go-kart racing and more good food.


After all the hard work on the project I really wanted to enjoy a slice of cake. A tiny slice was perfect.
So donuts, cake, and hashbrowns… Oh and potato chips managed to sneak themselves into my meals. This week I’ve allowed myself to indulge with minimal guilt. I know I’m going to have to work my butt off to make up for the treats but my back is feeling much better and it’s time to go hard.

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